Now that the local weatherman says temperatures will be in the 80's this coming weekend (second weekend in March 1996), we thought it might be interesting to reflect back to a mere TEN DAYS ago (February 26, 1996) when Las Vegas experienced one of its rare snow days. Yes, despite popular belief it does snow in Las Vegas... once in a while... the last time was nearly 5 years ago.
Sometimes the snow stays primarily to the North and West parts of Las Vegas, but at other times, such as this, it can cover nearly the entire valley. As much as 3/4 inch were reported at the western outskirts of town near Red Rock, Summerlin and Peccole Ranch. While barely 1/4 inch was seen on the Las Vegas Blvd. strip.
(149K GIF) (153K GIF) (162K B&W GIF)Various shots of the Western mountains, that normally shield us from this type of weather, coated with snow and partially obscured by low-flying clouds. In the foreground can be seen parts of Angel Park and Badlands Golf Courses.
We concentrated our efforts on the more drasticly hit Western side of town, one, because the snow started sooner and remained longer, and two, because we were already there when the snow hit, being that our LVLG offices are located on the far northwest side of town. Following are a random sampling of some casual shots of Las Vegas in snow captured by a few of our staff.
It was very strange indeed to see snow falling on familiar palm trees...
... grape hyacinths and sego palms...
... and blooming plums and daffodils. Temperatures the prior week had touched the 70's briefly. Just long enough to spur local plants into bloom. By nightfall, nearly all of the snow was gone. Remembered only in these remaining pictues.
Last Updated: March 8, 1996