Nearly a thousand onlookers crowded onto Hoover Dam May 1, 1996, to welcome the Olympic Torch to Nevada. Many were locals, but many others we noticed were out-of-towners on tour buses.
The torch arrived right on time around 11:30am and was carried over the Hoover Dam by a local, prior olympic medalist. The flame was lit across from the Hoover Dam Visitor Center and guarded by Georgia State Police Volunteers while the relay participants were treated to lunch by the Hoover Dam Officials.
The official soft drink of the olympics was also on hand to give out FREE pints of soda to the masses. It was greatly appreciated by many in the near 100 degree heat.
About an hour after it arrived and after dedications and such from local officials the torch continued on its way to downtown Las Vegas. As seen in this picture, the next leg of the journey was by a runner who carried his new baby on his back.
As part of the ceremony honoring the torch, a Long Beach, California man named Ski Demski (shown here with his true blue, companion "Peppy". Really, that's a real, live bird folks), was to display his Guinness Book of World Records Award Winning United States flag from the top of Hoover Dam. The flag, over 500 ft in length, (255 ft x 505 ft) had been hoisted earlier that morning just after sunrise, to the top of the dam, but only flew for less than half an hour before winds picked up and caused major tears in it. Not wanting to risk further damage it was taken down and later repaired and has since been seen around the country. The length of time it flew, however, was sufficient to set the new record, now held by Mr. Demski. (41K JPG).